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One or two things about big gears for large foundry manufacturers
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 691 days ago | 150 Views | Share:
Large gears, also known as large gear rings, are mainly used in rotary kilns, ball mills, etc., but also have harsh working environments and high requirements.

Large gears, also known as large gear rings, are mainly used in rotary kilns, ball mills, etc., but also have harsh working environments and high requirements. Therefore, large foundry manufacturers need to control their accuracy and hardness in the production process, ensure their wear resistance and impact resistance, and extend their service life. However, for the matters needing attention in actual production, let the manufacturer talk about one or two things about big gears today.

During the casting production of large gears, due to the large contact surface between the product structure and the air, it is easy to lead to oxidation, and the molten steel heats up quickly, which leads to defects such as lack of pouring, cracks, cold shuts, slag inclusions, etc., so the weak parts of the structure should be strengthened during the operation. Large casting processing manufacturers should also strengthen their ribs and pouring speed according to the actual situation, which can effectively avoid cracks, lack of pouring The generation of cold shut and other defects.

The produced big gears need to be quenched and tempered. The quenching medium should be selected, the cold quenching should be selected according to the actual situation, and the cooling time should be controlled. This requires workers with operating experience to effectively control their quality; In addition, it is necessary to temper in time after quenching, which can effectively prevent cracking caused by excessive stress. During quenching, it is necessary to select appropriate tempering to eliminate stress according to the specific material. If the quenching property is good and the air permeability is good, salt can be used for heating. However, it should be noted that the salt slag of large gears cannot be cleaned too early after quenching, because it is easy to cause gear cracking.