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Why can't machines replace manual modeling? Large foundry manufacturers tell you why
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 731 days ago | 138 Views | Share:
In the foundry industry, the reason why machines cannot replace manual modeling is that machines cannot be constructed according to materials.

With the continuous popularization of mechanized production, why can't machines replace manual molding in large foundry processing factories? Why are most large castings in the casting industry manually operated, especially the more complex castings, the more inseparable from manual modeling?

In the foundry industry, the reason why machines cannot replace manual modeling is that machines cannot be constructed according to materials. It is undeniable that the machine has the advantages of high operating accuracy, good quality, fast speed, etc. However, in the foundry industry, the customer's demand for castings needs to be discussed with the manufacturer repeatedly, many of which rely on experience, and many of these experiences are difficult to quantify and convey, and it requires experienced workers to cooperate well in the actual operation to achieve the effect. Large foundry processing manufacturers call these experiences invisible knowledge, because they cannot be obtained through vocational education, which requires the knowledge and imagination of designers. On the other hand, they need rich production experience. This requires long-term practice to understand and handle, so the machine has limited use in large foundries.

The orders received by the foundry are mainly medium and large castings. Due to large volume, complex structure and many other factors, the technical level of employees is required to be high, so manual molding is required. Manual molding has many advantages, such as flexible operation, simple process equipment, short production preparation time, strong adaptability, and can be used to cast castings of various sizes and shapes. For large casting processing manufacturers, the process suitable for specific castings is a good process!