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How do large gear manufacturers choose high-quality scrap steel to cast large gears with good quality?
Source: | Author:佚名 | Published time: 691 days ago | 128 Views | Share:
In the current casting production, the furnace charge is gradually dominated by scrap steel, which reduces the production cost of the enterprise on the one hand, and is also a good thing for the country, the people and the environment on the other hand

When looking at the website introduction of the big gear processing manufacturer, the customer will find that there is such a paragraph in the product introduction as "the manufacturer uses high-quality scrap raw materials and auxiliary materials, and strictly tests the composition before production" or comes to visit the factory and finds that the raw materials used are actually scrap steel. Why is this? Can this operation ensure the quality of the big gear?

In the current casting production, the furnace charge is gradually dominated by scrap. On the one hand, it reduces the production cost of the enterprise, on the other hand, it is also a good thing for the country, the people and the environment. It also realizes the recycling of resources and avoids waste of scrap steel.

Of course, the foundry industry depends on technology. After all, there is no three plate axe, and it can not be used in Wagang Village. High quality big gears are forged by big gear processing manufacturers with high-quality scrap steel. During smelting, three samples are taken before the furnace, as cast, and after the furnace, and the spectrometer imported from Germany is used for testing to ensure that the components are qualified; The raw materials selected are not all inclusive, and there are also requirements. For example, scrap steel has the characteristics of different types and shapes, different weights, different sizes, etc. The purchasing department of the manufacturer will communicate with the steel enterprises or dealers to explain what types and specifications of scrap steel the manufacturer needs, so that it can be processed into qualified furnace materials according to the steel making requirements; When casting the big gear, the chemical composition required by the big gear shall be determined and the ingredients shall be prepared according to the drawing requirements. This is why big gear manufacturers dare to use scrap steel to produce castings, and can control the quality from the source.